Job | Fulltime

Open vacancy

Starter experienced   |   Tilburg Amsterdam

Not found a matching vacancy, but still convinced that you are an added value to our team?

The Building Blocks team is growing steadily, and we are always open to meet talented and ambitious people! Are you passionate about the world of Data Science, and do you recognize yourself in our values Challenging, Pace-Setting, and Involved? Then we would love to get to know you, your ambitions, and in what field you would like to develop yourself! Please indicate in the application form/motivational letter what your field of interest is, and we will let you know if any opportunities could arise.

If you become one of our team members, this is what you can expect from us..

We will facilitate a vibrant and energetic working environment where you won’t be taken for granted. Of course, you will be rewarded for you hard work and dedication by receiving your base salary including holiday allowance and 13th month, but we will also offer you a range of other benefits! Needless to say, we will offer you an epic and challenging job at the coolest company. You will get unlimited holidays, since we believe you’re capable to decide for yourself in your and our interest. Also, you will get a personal development budget and mobility plan, all tailor made to your needs. Furthermore, we believe that we are all responsible for Building Block’s success, which is why you will get a share in the company in the form of certificates!

Interested in our organization?

Apply via the form below by telling us more about your ambitions, who you are and upload your CV. We will respond to your application within 5 working days.

Questions about this vacancy?
Please contact our Recruitment Officer Martine Hoevenberg at

Apply for this job now!

1Your dream job
2How did you came across this vacancy?
3Personal information
  • Dit veld is verborgen bij het bekijken van het formulier
  • We kijken ernaar uit om meer te horen over jouw ambities en hoe je droombaan eruit ziet. Wij geloven er namelijk sterk in dat je op je best bent als je doet wat je het leukste vindt om te doen!