The aim of the solution is to support our agents by an ever-learning & developing system. Building Blocks quickly understood our domain and built the right algorithms. The challenge we face is getting Humans (our agents) & machines to cooperate.
Daan van der Mijden
Director Customer Service

Let's build meaningful consumer relationships.

Sumsung is selling millions of electronic products every year. As a result the customer service agents from Teleperformance answer thousands of incoming questions per week. The complexity of organizing the customer service center has intensified over the past couple of years. Consumers reach out to organizations via an increasing variety of channels, such as telephone, e-mail, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. On top of that, Samsung’s customers have high expectations of the service levels offered and demand to get assistance instantly, 24/7. Therefore, Samsung is continuously innovating their customer service center to remain a frontrunner in the market and meet the expectations of their consumers in a time and cost-efficient way.

Decrease in Average Handling Time
Cost reduction for messaging channels
A true collaboration between human and AI

The Collective Memory

Service agents build up a lot of knowledge about various topics when handling service tickets for Samsung. However, service agents do not stay forever, this means knowledge is lost when a service agent leaves the team. New service agents receive the necessary trainings but this is a time-consuming processes. To encounter these problems we have to increase the time efficiency of handling customer interactions, by creating a ‘collective memory’ in which all knowledge of agents is captured to support customer service agents with handling service tickets in an intelligent way.

The Collective Memory contains all historical conversations and captures all interactions that service agents had in the past. Based on this knowledge the algorithm predicts the best suitable answers for new incoming questions and provide these to the service agent. Knwoledge will never be lost again and service agents can profit form each other’s knowledge and get started

Consumer result

Every day we help 2500 consumers by solving their requests and issues


Empowering customer agents

Best matching answers
The intelligent plug-in analyses all incoming questions from different channels such as WhatsApp and Social Media in real-time and assists the human agent with suggesting answers. Based on all historical conversations the solution pushes the answer that is most likely going to solve the question the customer has in two forms:

■ The best-fitting standardized answer for frequently asked questions
■ The best answer that is given by a service agent

Incoming questions can now be easily and timely being answered by the service agents with the most relevant answers. The consumer will never get a faster and more accurate answer anywhere.

Human in the loop
Service agents continuously feed the algorithm with relevant feedback and input. By accepting, adjusting or rejecting the suggested answers the collective memory will become smarter over time.

Get a grasp of context
In contrast to traditional chatbots the collective memory doesn’t have to be programmed, it can learn on its own from the past and is able to understand the context of the conversation. This makes the tool manageable as the same question can be asked in hundreds of different ways.

What definitely helps is the open and honest communication between Building Blocks and Samsung. We always challenge each other and celebrate successes together. From both sides we are willing to take risks and invest in something we truly believe in. The result is amazing; Collective Memory is an invaluable asset to our agents and our customers. It continuously evolves to create a better CX. 
Daan van der Mijden
Director Customer Service